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Once upon a time, the sacred drum

By raising cows and planting trees, our ancestors did not know that from these cows and these trees were going to be born what is the pride of Burundi today: the Sacred Drum, made from a tanned Cows skin and a tree trunk cut in "Umuvugangoma".

symbol of power as wanted the Burundian tradition, the drum was beaten, using two wooden sticks at the royal court and among the great heads of royal blood also. it was associated by the Burundians with a sacred object and was played in ancient Burundi in exceptional circumstances and for rutual purposes, proclaimed the greatest events of the country as the enthronement and the funeral of the sovereigns. Not to be confused with "Karyenda" which was a royal drum, symbol of the sowing festival called "Umuganuro" the tributes of other drums taken directly from their sanctuaries called "Ingoro y'ingoma" or palace of the drum.

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